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Horizontal foam continuous foaming technology of PU foam
Horizontal foam continuous foaming technology of PU foam... View More>>
Notes for operation of PU foam foaming machine
Notes for operation of PU foam foaming machine... View More>>
Sponge vertical foaming process vertical continuous production technology
Sponge vertical foaming process vertical continuous production technology... View More>>
Brief introduction of manual box foam foaming machine
Brief introduction of manual box foam foaming machine... View More>>
Brief usage of sponge horizontal continuous foaming machine
Brief usage of sponge horizontal continuous foaming machine... View More>>
Block Ice Machine - Direct Cooling Block Ice Machine
Intelligent fully automated direct cooling block ice machine... View More>>
Structure and principle of foam cutting equipment
Contour foam cutting machine, mattress foam cross cutting machine, polyurethane material horizontal cutting machine... View More>>
Structure principle of polyurethane foam disc cutting machine
Sofa, chair sponge foam production equipment, mattress production line... View More>>
PU semi-automatic box foam machine
PU semi-automatic box foam machine 、Sponge manufacturing equipment、Mattress production equipment... View More>>
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